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Garbage crushing function effectively for living garbage sorting recycling
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-2-10 9:02:34
Garbage crushing function effectively for living garbage sorting recycling Why do you want to trash reduction? At present, the our city living garbage more than 11000 tons, costs more than 200 section of the train car can hold. Garbage in nature for a long time, such as the degradation of cigarette should be 1-5 years, the plastic should be 100-200. In order to promote the city life garbage "reduction, recycling, harmless", promoting "twelfth five-year" energy conservation and emissions reduction, the living garbage incineration air pollutants emission standards in Shanghai on January 1, 2014, in the implementation. Should be paid attention to reduce environmental pollution, indoor ventilated, assure indoor airiness, choose environmentally friendly indoor decoration materials, indoor green plants, more appropriate chooses when cooking oil and use smoke lampblack machine, reduce the number of Fried, Fried food as far as possible, to reduce the harmful gas suction. The standard come on stage for smoothly can take up a lot of rubbish land and pollute the environment, become a "stumbling block" of the city can be a sustained development, appear even junk siege situation. Therefore, it is imperative to trash reduction. Living garbage harmless - garbage crusher equipment Pollution mangrove grey wood, would have been the mangrove areas of ecological reserve is garbage, occasionally can see animals rotting corpses, let visitors to watch the scenery big stomach. Recently, who lives in baoan citizens reflect Mr. Yang said, is located in the measurements of wharf mangrove strewn with many living garbage, in order to intensify the life trash pickup, nissan nissin. Increasing weight in the area, cleaning personnel, clear in time during the Spring Festival setting off firecrackers paper scraps, etc. The angel of the road, you were laborious paved in a thick layer, neglected for a long time. "Our beautiful mangrove forests were destroyed, just like that." teenagers winter vacation activities held by residential garbage crusher "garbage classification knowledge lecture started. Formaldehyde pollution troubling let people worry ~ to also own a healthy and comfortable living environment, people invented a lot of "coup", such as: Placed in the room of pollution of tea root! [disappointed] little wisdom know everybody in addition to formaldehyde, however, the root tea actually didn't even have any absorb and decompose the role of wow! Expect to use it to in addition to formaldehyde, little wisdom can only say: ideal is very plentiful, reality is very skinny! Dry health department explained to the students the definition and scope of living garbage, for the work of garbage sorting the meaning and significance of propaganda and popularization, called on the students set a good example Garbage crusher start from the intravenous drip, the garbage classification and the related propaganda work, the little angel of environmental protection, do a civilization jointly safeguard and promote the long-term management of garbage sorting work Now environment is worse and worse, has suffered serious pollution of groundwater resources, plant sewage, life rubbish and so on The serious influence the quality of the water, don't know whether you will find that "five water work" what is it? "Five water work" refers to treat sewage water, flood control, drainage water, water supply, water saving. Provincial party committee and provincial government, in accordance with the "five water work, ahead of the pollution treatment" train of thought, main heihe, stinky river, garbage to clean up the river, and implementation Urban sewage removal and pipe rural sewage treatment, living garbage focus on basic coverage. At the same time, coordinate hand in flood water, draining water, water supply, water saving. Every time give water purifier filter element, have a thick layer of dirt, shocking!!!!! How to "green" life, environmental pollution and urban development, has made our life more and more far away from the "green" We must actively to pursue the "green". Crush grille so-called "white pollution", is one of the people to the plastic garbage pollution environment image appellation. It is to point to in polystyrene, polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic products made of polymer compounds such as all kinds of life be disposed as solid waste after use, due to the Free throw litter, difficult to degradation process, so that cause serious pollution of the urban environment phenomenon. White pollution is mainly due to some plastic products, rubber, coating, fiber, adhesives, etc. Pay attention to a source of food, in the case of can choose, to learn the fertilizer, artificial additives and preservatives said "no", pay attention to the seasoning, oil, and the quality of drinking water. With the speeding up of China's industrialization process, the increasingly serious environmental pollution, organic pollution and heavy metal pollution of domestic water began to replace the harm of microorganism pollution become the biggest part of the crowd for clean village activity meaning understanding is not enough, the surviving depend on the mood, we need to do ideological work, lead to further They work together for their homeland. Water pollution highlight area will be started limited approval, HuanBaoTing video conference convening the provincial environmental protection work. Said at the meeting, in 2014, our province will strengthen environmental risk hidden perils, heavy penalties for illegal polluters strict check. \ conference, environmental protection departments at the same time of the outstanding problems listed supervisory, will continue to strive hard for the new project of household eia can access system in the cities and counties carried through, system corrupt companies can be strictly punished living garbage "village town, yun county processing" formation mechanism to achieve various departments at all levels. Restricted by economic condition the village clean rural work is difficult In jurisdictions to build a clean, safe construction environment, grid responsible within the responsible area on health, safety work in the inspection and guidance. In the process of inspection, the problem of water shortage has a long history, crushing grille to save water is also the consensus of the whole society. But some people in spite of the social responsibility of saving water, surrounded by a chemical plant in recent years, smoke and sewage, factories discharge of sulfur dioxide, chlorine and other harmful gas and liquid Will seriously affect the air, rivers. The original land of fish and rice fish and shrimp all dead now, residents are unbearable, and hide to flee! I didn't finish the day of the Chinese finished - driven by himself! For personal gain. Construction of the railway bureau of the located near the Catholic church Left a lot of garbage on the construction site, the grid responsible immediately get in touch with each other, head, please clean up them before Friday, also the community a clean, neat construction site. Developed districts "clean their homes" battlefield "one thousand DaHuiZhan" spectacle. Flower bridge town set up special leading institutions, organizations of villages inside and outside their jurisdiction and on either side of the road construction waste, living garbage, dunghill of straw, straw sundries concentrated clean-up etc, in order to promote the city life garbage "reduction, recycling, harmless", promoting "twelfth five-year" energy conservation and emissions reduction, the living garbage incineration air pollutants emission standards in Shanghai on January 1, 2014, in the implementation. The standard come on stage for smoothly "Shanghai clean air action plan (2013-2017)" One of the implementation of supporting measures, to continuously improve the environment air quality has a positive meaning to the village ditches in the sludge, sewage, the street facade thirty-three of the centralized control. "In treatment of green vegetation in the ash haze, atmospheric pollutants can be divided into gaseous pollutants and particulates. Trees known as "natural" air filters, plant leaves can be absorbed by stomatal gaseous inorganic pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, hydrogen fluoride, chlorine gas and heavy metals, through the cuticle absorption of hydrophobic Organic pollutants, such as pesticides, urea derivatives, phenol, anthracene, etc. The expansion of the green space is an important means to control air pollution. Try to find a survival space in the city, and in different places. But this time I may be one person, it is good or bad, are made by I a person to bear. Sometimes I suddenly found that, over the years, I was developed a such a strong strong heart. Four is the focus. Liangping the emphases and difficulties of environmental protection work is water conservancy. Combined with the "four clean-ups" four special work on heavy point area pollution sources such as agricultural pollution, industrial pollution sources, town life of illness, touch base. Highlight the river pollution treatment, urban life pollution, agricultural non-point source pollution control, industrial pollution control focus, born in 2014, is expected to state governance total investment 500 million yuan of above. Production of organic agricultural products shall be carried out in a suitable environment, should be far away from the urban area, mining area, the traffic trunk, industrial pollution sources Living garbage, etc., to ensure the production of organic product is not contaminated, the highest safety. New Zealand without industrial pollution, organic farm environment through strict inspection certification, was born in the beauty of wheat, organic milk powder purity guaranteed. Recently a haze weather has brought life and travel, near the Spring Festival, firecrackers will aggravate air pollution, smog accumulation. To this end, wuxi LuZhuang experiment elementary school students to the junior partner in the city initiative, in the Spring Festival and the winter vacation, no fireworks, out of a force to protect the environment. Crush grille around earth space junk life rubbish not only cause the pollution to the atmosphere and oceans, now even in orbit around the earth is full of space junk. This is a computer generated images, showing the current loading space around the earth there division, look from the picture, each country in space "litter" habit may also cause serious consequences. Plastic is a kind of pollution is also a kind of special resources. Want to use it as a resource utilization, still need more to try and explore. Currently in 28 eu member states, the plastic products of widespread abuse, of which only 25% of the plastic products can be recycled, cause serious pollution to the environment. Our life comes from nature, it is very urgent to pollution, fellow citizens, please cherish this only home!
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